First House
172 – The Process
163 – Super Hand
My mind goes to strange places some times. Also, this was after Paul took a week off to work on the character designs., which is why they look different.
162 – A Knight’s Story Part Ten
The long awaited sequel to the Launch arc. And by long, I mean a year. I just got on a roll for silly overly epic story arcs. Oh, and hey look, it’s Scratch Fury.
This was one of the first times I got irritated with Paul rewriting because it felt like the comic just ended. What was supposed to happen was David instantly forgives Paul once he sees the strip. Still, awesome art though.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
It was always kind of vague whether Paul actually lived with David and Alice or not. But this is really where the noir style starts to shine.
144 – The Hunt Part One
One of my favourite arcs. I loved writing it and it had some of the most gorgeous artwork. Really should have tried to get Paul to do a noir series with me but oh well.
143 – Dreams
I once had a dream where I watched Bart Simpson slowly drown to a minimalistic piano score while a montage played full of happy moments. I woke up crying. I can still make myself tear up if I remember the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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