Sorry about the wait guys, I wanted to hold off until we had a decent buffer. Pages will now be appearing weekly every Monday. And oh dear, hopefully one of them knows how to use Windows Movie Maker.
Chapter Twelve
33 comics.
So this took a while and for that I’m sorry, but we are back with LWI prime and are working on building a buffer. Thanks for sticking around.
Okay, it’s time to say what’s going on. First off, I’d like to apologise for not saying anything for so long. We thought we’d have the next update (A double page spread) by now but Fer keeps getting swamped with[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So she didn’t remember to switch hands. Also, sorry about the delays guys. Fer had a baby a few months back so he been understandably busy.
If she didn’t punch with her other fist she may have broken something. Hope everyone had a good Easter
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