Paul's Strips
156 – A Knight’s Story Part Four
The crown trains all her soldiers to break out of enemy bonds. Especially when the enemies can’t tie knots.
The long awaited sequel to the Launch arc. And by long, I mean a year. I just got on a roll for silly overly epic story arcs. Oh, and hey look, it’s Scratch Fury.
Oh God did I hate going to Centrelink back then. Thank God for employment. I remember the first time I read The Sixsmiths I got to the scene where the dad goes for unemployment and remembering thinking everything he said[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This was one of the first times I got irritated with Paul rewriting because it felt like the comic just ended. What was supposed to happen was David instantly forgives Paul once he sees the strip. Still, awesome art though.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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