At work, I usually tend to impress people by how quickly I can get everything done. One guy said this and a whole strip sprang into my head.
Archive for david
269 – Con Part Seven
Yeah, I’m usually lucky if I get even close to breaking even. I need to draw more Batman pics to make up the difference. Though I sometimes have to suppress the urge to buy a Master Sword and Hylian Shield[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
268 – Con Part Six
I remember the first time I met a comic celebrity I got chocked up, but every other time I’ve been fine. I mean I gave Sachs and Violens to George Perez to sign with a straight face. But I think[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
267 – Con Part Five
The first two panels were an actual conversation. I was really shocked to hear the ads were actually reaching people in Australia.
There are people out there who say no start up artist should ever draw an established character or else you dilute yourself as a creator. They’re usually people who have been paying the bills with their own properties for years.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
265 – Con Part Three
This happened my first year more than a few times. I encourage people to browse my stuff, but please, don’t stand there and read it, thus preventing others who may be interested in taking a look.
264 – Con Part Two
263 – Con Part One
Oh God, I am still like this. The problem with using a US POD service so close to con time means not only am I paying a fortune on shipping, I’m also gambling the stuff will get to me on[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
262 – Feedback
Just so you guys know, I am aware of the malware problem and am trying to fix it. Unfortunately, it’s in a very important piece of code I’m worried about upsetting. Managed to clean out the rest though, so that’s[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
261 – Concept Sketches
Just found these while looking through the hard drive. These are the original character sketches Paul sent me before he started the comic. Interesting to see how far it’s come.
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