This is how I reacted when I got the first issue of Gemini Storm. I also acted that way when the trade came out. Also, woo, full page comics.
Archive for david
I think there was one more guest strip but I can’t remember where I put it or what it was. If I find it, I’ll upload it.
GCS – Fer Galicia
It was Christmas around this time so Paul took a break and I asked for some guest comics. The small censor bar on the crotch gag still makes me chuckle. Yes I am childish.
216 – Other Methods
I actually had to read one of those flaky artists go on a rant about how they don’t get work and life is terrible and boo hoo hoo. Maybe if you met a fucking deadline you’d get more work. Thank[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
209 – Nudist Beach
If I recall, Paul put this up as filler because I was late getting him the scripts, or I forgot to attach them when I sent the email. Something like that.
208 – Different Career
If I recall, he didn’t get elected. But yeah, I learnt more about that guy’s home life than I did the actual subject. He was a nice guy, but I don’t think he had much interest in teaching.
207 – Spider-Man Pitch
206 – Babysitting
205 – Oblivious
I’m really bad at figuring out whether someone likes me or not. I’ve had dates I thought went horrible end up starting a long-lasting relationship.
204 – Major Pussy
I have a couple of anxiety triggers, driving being one of them. It’s why i don’t have a license, it’d be pretty damn stupid of me to get behind a wheel while having a panic attack. Also, I like the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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