You ever see Death at a Funeral? (British version, the good one) I had just done so before writing this, so it was probably the main inspiration.
Archive for paul
It never occurred to me before to ask this, but what exactly is he seeing? And why didn’t I think of it before? And what do I taste like?
076 – Pills Part One
Okay, I need to get the first panel out of the way. It comes off as me crying against misandry, but I was going for straw feminists. I’ve just always found it annoying when guys try to write strong female[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
074 – Trial Part Two
While I wanted my characters to face some consequences, I didn’t want them to be too bad. Also, if you are unfamiliar with the scene, this is Chewbacca. Sorry, I couldn’t find the whole thing on youtube.
073 – Trial Part One
I guess they were passing the bar exam while off panel. And the poverty thing is true. Which is why I have a paypal button.
060 – Portal Part Nine
And we are back. Hopefully we won’t have too many more problems. So the saga ends and we meet a new antagonist.
059 – Portal Part Eight
So I asked Paul if he wanted to redesign himself as a little more handsome with this clone. As you can see, he liked that idea.
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