This one was almost a lost page too, until I discovered it hiding among the downloads along with the other missing page. That’ll teach me to look around more carefully.
First House
225 – Work Part Five
221 – Work Part One
I don’t mind working in an office but I just cannot help but feel all the time I’m wasting not working on comics. You can help by buying my comics.
I actually wrote those comments, so I don’t know how Paul really feels about it. He probably hasn’t even read it.
This is how I reacted when I got the first issue of Gemini Storm. I also acted that way when the trade came out. Also, woo, full page comics.
GCS – Fer Galicia
It was Christmas around this time so Paul took a break and I asked for some guest comics. The small censor bar on the crotch gag still makes me chuckle. Yes I am childish.
216 – Other Methods
I actually had to read one of those flaky artists go on a rant about how they don’t get work and life is terrible and boo hoo hoo. Maybe if you met a fucking deadline you’d get more work. Thank[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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