I actually wrote those comments, so I don’t know how Paul really feels about it. He probably hasn’t even read it.
Posts Tagged Comics
216 – Other Methods
I actually had to read one of those flaky artists go on a rant about how they don’t get work and life is terrible and boo hoo hoo. Maybe if you met a fucking deadline you’d get more work. Thank[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
207 – Spider-Man Pitch
I recently looked back at some old scripts and damn am I glad he used to tweak them. I used to get pretty wordy.
163 – Super Hand
My mind goes to strange places some times. Also, this was after Paul took a week off to work on the character designs., which is why they look different.
So back in ’09 everyone was declaring that newspapers would be dead in a year or so. I just couldn’t see it happening since I knew many people who still liked reading newspapers. And while a few did go away,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
4/10 – Sidekick
3/04 – Criticism
I’ve always found it odd when some creators bitch about their craft not being perfect and then attack anyone who offers some tips. It’s the Internet, people will respond when they can.
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