And that’s why you should charge your phone… and make sure you have the right address in the first place.
Posts Tagged ethereal high
57 results.
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10/17 – Cleaning House
10/12 – The Little Costs
I had a friend whose place caught fire a few years ago. Left a book too close to the heater and it melted his Giant HD flat screen, blu ray player and some movies. When I mentioned insurance he told[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I know Zack Snyder probably doesn’t use hue bulbs but Greg probably doesn’t. I would actually like to give it a shot, just buy some lights and shoot a scene just to mess with the colours and see what kind[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
You ever checked out Clients From Hell? From experience, I can tell you most of those stories probably aren’t exaggerations.
10/06 – Dinner Part Six
10/05 – Dinner Part Five
You remember how housewives in old cartoons used to shriek when they saw a mouse? I like to imagine that’s how Mike sounds in panel six.
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