Posts Tagged ethereal high
So if you’ve noticed she has some confidence issues, yes, there is a part of her past that caused them.
9/15 Auditions Part Two
9/09 – Another Ditch
9/07 – Callback
9/06 – New Information
I like to imagine that if he hadn’t said anything, they’d have shot half the movie before realising Julia never showed up on set.
9/03 – Effective
So when I wrote this strip I had just gotten done with Until Dawn and had completely forgotten that traditionally wendigos are hairy things. I actually kind of like the skeletal versions better so we can just stick with them.
9/02 – Overly Hopeful
In case anyone is wondering, he’s currently doing the BFG. Also, Fer does do cards and other things. You should check out his deviantart to see which cards you’d like or to see what else he’s done.
9/01 – Above Budget
So I have a few stories of movies going wrong due to people not really knowing what they were doing. A few are my own, a lot are from my love of learning the behind the scenes drama behind famous[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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